2018 Craft Championship Sponsorship Available – Inquire Now
Interested in supporting the 2018 State Craft
Championships? Associated Builders and Contractors of
Indiana and Kentucky will host the 2018 State Craft
Championships on Saturday, December 16, 2017 at our
Indianapolis Headquarters. We have sponsorship
opportunities available for the following:
• $1,000 General Event
• $1,500 Santa’s Workshop (limit 1)
• $2,500 Lunch Sponsor (limit 1)
All sponsorships include: company logo on all printed
material and the opportunity to display company
information at the event. ABC will provide a table at a
prominent location inside the LGI room for
handouts/giveaways for spectators and guests. Santa’s
Workshop and the Lunch Sponsor will also receive extra
advertising coverage in the Lab and at the main entrance
to the event.
Contact Cat for further details!
[email protected] call 317.596.4950